Fit and Healthy Life
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Saturday, September 22, 2007


Massage is a natural way of healing,one of the oldest and well known therapy method used by man. Used as early as 3000 B.C. the healing power of massage has been well documented over the past 5000 years.
Ancient medical have numerous reference to massage. Hippocrates regarded to be the Father of Modern Medicine said, "a medical doctor must know how to massage his patients".
How many doctors do you know practice this? Unfortunately, only very few doctors will use massage although it's effectiveness have been proven by scientific studies
What's the medical proofs that massage is beneficial?

Massage has been used lower the amount of stress we experienced daily. It directly affects the body systems that govern the heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory and the digestive process.

list below are only a sample of the effectiveness of massage.

massage was shown to reduce the amount of anxiety felt by cancer patients and at the

  • same time improves their quality of life

  • "Asthmatic children",more easily and suffered less number of attacks when they were massaged by their parents.

  • Babies that were stroked daily were reported to have gained 47 % more weight, were more active and left hospital much earlier than premature babies who were not stroked.
    You can try this to heal your cought
    message blue dot, 1 until 1,5 minute

  • message from up to to buttom 1,5 until 2 minute
  • after that drink 2 glass mineral water
  • Friday, September 21, 2007
    Aloe Vera are nearly 240 varieties of Aloe growing in the dry regions of Asia, Europe, Africa and America but the one that is popularly used in commercial products is Aloe barbadensis miller.
  • Aloe vera gel is used to treat first-degree burns for speedy healing. Aloe vera gel is used to shrink warts and lessen the painful effects of shingles. The symptoms of psoriasis can be reduced with aloe vera gel. European folk medicine makes extensive use of aloe vera juice to reduce ulcers and heartburn. Aloe vera is also used in dental problems such as bleeding gums and denture stomatitis.
  • Aloe Vera juice is made from the nutritious inner gel. Aloe Vera juice has natural detoxifying powers that ease constipation and cleanse the bowel. Aloe Vera juice is known to benefit those suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Acemannan, found in Aloe vera is being studied for its beneficial effects in boosting T-lymphocyte cells that aid the immune system
  • It can treat acne and pimple
  • Aloe Vera can treat dry skin
  • control dandruff
  • provides a protection of underarm odor
  • good for diatetic food
    aloe vera thrive in my country (indonesian), so if want it you can visit my country
  • Causes, incidence, and risk factors asthma

    'Asthma' is a disease in which inflammation of the airways causes airflow into and out of the lungs to be restricted. When an asthma attack occurs, the muscles of the bronchial tree become tight and the lining of the air passages swells, reducing airflow and producing the characteristic wheezing sound. Mucus production is increased.

    Most people with asthma have periodic wheezing attacks separated by symptom-free periods. Some asthmatics have chronic shortness of breath with episodes of increased shortness of breath. Other asthmatics may have cough as their predominant symptom. Asthma attacks can last minutes to days, and can become dangerous if the airflow becomes severely restricted.
    Asthma symptoms can be triggered by inhaled allergens (allergy triggers), such as pet dander, dust mites, cockroach allergens, molds, or pollens. Asthma symptoms can also be triggered by respiratory infections, exercise, cold air, tobacco smoke and other pollutants, stress, food, or drug allergies. Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) provoke asthma in some patients.

    Asthma is found in 3-5% of adults and 7-10% of children. Half of the people with asthma develop it before age 10, and most develop it before age 30. Asthma symptoms can decrease over time, especially in children.

    Many people with asthma have an individual and/or family history of allergies, such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis) or eczema. Others have no history of allergies or evidence of allergic problems.

  • wheezing
  • usually begins suddenly
  • is episodic
  • may be worse at night or in early morning
  • aggravated by exposure to cold air
  • aggravated by exercise
  • aggravated by heartburn (reflux)
  • resolves spontaneously
  • relieved by bronchodilators (drugs that open the airways)
  • cough with or without sputum (phlegm) production
    Extreme symtomps
  • extreme difficulty breathing
  • bluish color to the lips and face
  • severe anxiety due to shortness of breath
  • rapid pulse
  • sweating

    Asthma Treatment
  • avoid the matter which allergen.

    a Treatment is aimed at avoiding known allergens and respiratory irritants and controlling symptoms and airway inflammation through medication. Allergens can, sometimes be identified by noting which substances cause an allergic reaction.

  • Allergy testing its helpful in identifying allergens in patients with persistent asthma. Common allergens include: pet dander, dust mites, cockroach allergens, molds, and pollens. Common respiratory irritants include: tobacco smoke, pollution, and fumes from burning wood or gas
  • Calling your health care provider
    Reduced by avoiding known allergens and respiratory irritants.
    avoiding an animal if the person alergen with animal if that cannot be removed from the home, the animal should be kept out of the patient's bedroom.
    Filtering material can be placed over the heating outlets to trap animal dander.
    avoided cigarette smoke, air pollution, industrial dusts