one again Indonesia plant that can down blood sugar rate, so is able to keep in good health diabetes patient is meniran.
Meniran is indonesian original plant by the name of scientific Phyllanthus Urinaria Linn
meniran's chemical content for example: lignan (Filantin, hipofilantin, nirantin, lintetratin), flavonoid (quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, routine, kaempferol - 4, rhamnopynoside), alkaloid, triterpenoid, acid fat (acid ricinoleat, acid linoleat, acid linolenat), vitamin c, potassium, resin, tanin, geraniin, phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin.
Base various literature that note experiences from generation to generation of a variety states and region, this plant gets to cure diseases as follows:
1. Nephritic is oedema. (Saw ring kidney with protein in urine.) An a half meniran's leaf grip is added three water glasses; poaching until three quarter it, added by honey. One day 3 times three quarter drinking glass. (Tips 3x 2 perhari's capsules, juicy drink)
2. Urine distress. espoused by bellyache / waist. Fresh plant 7, poaching 2 glasses until 1 glasses. One day of time one third glass. (Tips 2x 1 capsule per diem, banyakair's drink)
3. Ache urinates. Five meniran's bars its root following, poached in 2 water glass until as one glasses, drink. (2x1's tips capsule per diem, juicy drink)
4. Calculus. One leaf pap spoon catkin is added seven meniran's bars(+ root) poached in two water glass become one glasses. One day 3 glass one-third times. (Tips 3x 1 capsule per diem, juicy drink)
5. Dysentery. Fresh Herba 30 60 gram is poached. (Tips 3x 2 capsules per diem)
6. Hepatitis. Fresh Herba 30 60 gramdirebus. Drink one day once. (Tips 3x 2 capsules per diem, juicy drink)
7. Eventide ametropic. Fresh Herba 15 20 gram adds chicken liver, team.
8. Carbuncle at eyelid. meniran's stewed water to wash eye.
9. Rheumatik. Waters stewed drink meniran. (Tips 3x 1 capsule per diem, juicy drink)
10. Crazy dog digit. Herba 4 6gr, poached, drink. Stick on wound with plant was milled by dicampur rice.
11. Catalepsy pain. meniran's leaf 3 / 4 grips, poached by fresh water 5 glasses, until boiling until stays behind half the. Drink 3 times 3 / 4 glasses per diem. (Tips 3x 1 capsule per diem, juicy drink)
12. Diabetes. (3x1's tips capsule per diem)
Labels: Dysentry, Sugar Diabetes Symptoms