Fit and Healthy Life
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ordinary Indonesian dill at knows by meniran( Phylanthus urinaria,lin) , this can cure liver's pain.
Following is make the point meniran's purpose
To Take Ill Liver

a. First recipe
Main material
16 Meniran's Plants (root, Bar, leaf)
Supplemental: 2 Milk Water glasses
Trick makes:
meniran's plant is washed then ditumbuk fine and stewed with 2 milk water glasses until boiling until stays behind 1 glasses.
Trick utilizes: screened and is drunk altogether; done everyday.

b.Second recipe
Main material: 7 meniran's plant bar (root, Bar and flower)
Supplemental: 7 clove Flowers are dry, 5 cm temulawak's corms, 1 cassia crosscut
Trick Makes: All material poached by 2 water glass until boiling until stay behind 1 glasses
Trick utilizes: screened and is drunk 2 times one day.
That traditional recipe was tested and safe because just made by nature material, but its such has cautious to utilize appropriate road map or reduces its dose. If you don't feel trouble on your body please to utilize correspond to recipe upon.
You can utilize one of two trick upon, hopefully utilitarian If handicap gets it we can help, please to give comment at this article

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Disease HIV is diseased one thus far can't yet be cured, but there is two diseased experts that believe that there is Indonesia plant that have potency for menyembuhkanya

Ir. Agus Kardinan, MSc. & Fauzi kusuma's Blessing publishes one Meniran's book add body resistance. a few things following that at passes on by beliau
Meniran has to titrate vitamin c high enough 408,53 / 100mg materials. As one we knows vitamin c constitute anti oksidan what do so effective increase body resistance
Besides meniran have bitter substance that usually has character to ice. Meniran adequately potential to cure influenza disease, until hepatitis's disease, cancer, HIV or AIDS. But darling I not find trick / this meniran's recipe tries you to read in here for its fledged.
But terminologicals this source meniran can keep in good health our body by as follows:
Leaf poaching,bar,and meniran's root. Workaday drink one week one or two-time,to keep in good health our body.

if want that plant pleases to give comment at this article


Heart constitutes organ that really vital its role for our life

activity, cardiac role is that of tool to pump blood and oxygen

goes to all our body. Can't be imagined if someone heart at call

tick stop therefore we shall everlastingly keep in good health

heart, one of the ways it is with gets sport.

Why gets essential sport for cardiac? Your tofu that person that

insufficiently active gets sport to have risk two until thrice are

even greater experience heart disease or vein narrowings? Sport

whatever basically is of important to be done to avoid fat plaque

heaping at veined wall and cardiac, besides sport also increase

metabolite so blood circulation, nutrisi and optimal oxygen goes to

all a part bodies. Afterwards how sport that coaches heart?

Basically sporting one regards dikelompokan's heart activity into 4

this training type.

1. Circuit Training

Circuit training program is program training that mengkombinasikan

among training tries a fall and kardiovaskular's training (aerobic

sport). Circuit training is done with many repetisi and laconic

rest within setnya. Analitically aught, up to 8 20 week carries on

circuit training, pointing out lung capacity step-up as big as 4

8%. Tall lung capacity ordinary being utilized to declare for

someone fitness zoom.

Training program

Circuit training utilize demulcent charges as push up, squat, sit

up is next to be compounded by aerobic sport as runs or bicycle.

Ordinary circuit training is done at exposed place (outbond) one

that consisting of umpteen post, on every its post emphasizes on

training tries a fall with repetisi one particular then interlarded

by aerobic exercise up to few seconds until with minute to wend

next force post.

Cicuit Training's excess

* Coaching cardiac force and downs blood pressure with better with aerobic
* Coach all organ (full scale body workout)
* Don't require expensive gym tool
* Can be adjusted at area or range sort

2. Endurance Training

Robustness training or endurance training constitutes training for

increasing staying power and robustness. Endurance training is done

in so long duration. Endurance training can add total your blood

cell, downing blood viscosity and increases heart ability. Blood

flow will increase while going endurance training so oxygen

channelizing becomes perfect. Workaday athlete does endurance

training will get more blood cell volume and accordingly

circulatory blood wills be get smooth. Besides, with endurance

training you will get energy step-up pump heart so oxygen and blood

flow will better..

Training program

Sporting example that coach robustness is marathon, triathlon,

bicycle hundreds kilometers. One that needs to be bewared is

endurance's training as marathon or bicycle in month of sundays

period gets dangerously on about joint knee. Endurance training is

done in the period of for hours or with distance tens even hundreds


Endurance Training's excess

* Increasing blood volume
* Increasing cardiac ability and lung in pump blood and

channels oxygen go to all body
* Coaching staying power and resistance
* can be adjusted at area sort

3. Powerlifting

Powerlifting or is called also force training comprises anaerobic

exercise type (resulting energy without oxygen burn) one that

emphasizes on brawn and explosive energy. While lift charges, blood

pressure will increase to pump blood goes to every a part muscle.

Powerlifting increases smaller lung capacity compared with by

another training program type. Powerlifting needs training that

intens to power's step-up and step by step brawn else needed

nutrisi to prop increases it muscle developing. Powerlifting was

adapted as miscellaneous sporting branch as body building, weight

lifting, etcetera

Training program

Powerlifting comprises force sport , consisting

of 3 kinds which is squat, bench press and deadlift. Real example

of sporting it which is weight lifting, participant at gives 3

chance time to lift prescribed charges up to few seconds.

Powerlifting's excess

* Increasing bone density
* Increasing body metabolite
* Increasing muscle forming
* Can be adapted by aerobic sport as on training's circuit

4. Moderate Exercise

Moderate exercise comprises aerobic exercise type, known as

training with cardiac beat intensity intermediate which is vicinity

121 140 bpm (bit per minute). moderate's training constitute

training type that can burn fat effectively. Training moderate can

enforce heart, strong heart can pump perfect ala blood without

effort which laids it on thick. Besides, reducing arteries veined

stress so blood pressure become stable.

Training program

Sporting example with intermediate intensity is jogging, bicycle,

bathing, treadmill up to 30 45 minutes. Run this program up to

minimal 3 deep times one week. Research points out aerobic exercise

with moderate's intensity up to 8 20 week gets to increase lung

capacity as much 15 20%.

Exercise's Middle-of-the-road excess

* Size increasing happening mitokondria. Mitokondria is

supposing ‘ energy kitchen' its task one result energy of source

burn result energy by oxygen
* Stimulating new blood cell forming
* Reducing criminal cholesterol and increases cholesterol well
* Don't cling to tool
* Can be done anyplace

As closing as, leeway oftentimes and facility limitation becomes

averse someone reason get sport. Eventually You just need time 30

minutes everyday or minimal sporting 3 deep times one week that

most dodge of heart disease. Day-to-day physical activity do

housework that potentially go fish issue sweat as gardening,

clearing house or promenade at peripheral home That You can also do

as supplementary as sport. Sport not only increase Your heart

health but also dapa makes You perceive younger and strong. Safe



Reverential disease familial trend over and above other factor, as obesitas. On frequent fatness condition insulin can't function to result expected effect body.
Diabetes patient shan'tice things as follows:
1. No until sticking out carbuncle, wound, since will be so difficult or long time for healing.
2. Advised for fresh fruit eating that don't nice, vegetable, corm and root.
3. Don't flesh eating, fish, food of flour, fat, sand sugar, substitute with tofu, moke and legume food.
4. Diabetes patient can be settled by devours egg yolk 5 until 7 numbers everyday, or by devours 6 raw green beans up to 4 5 days.

Massage therapy for diabetes

Massage hollowing under bursts sides behind approximately 5 cm, of pingggang's lining massages concomitant with middle finger second, don't over hard. Massaging is done up to 5 seconds, 10 massage times.
For acutely patient or acute everyday been done massaging until 5 times. Then is massaged also unidirectional with clockwise around bellying by use of middle finger. Notably navel region with geteran's massage demulcent with intermediate forefinger and ring finger.


Cancer is now no longer deadening. Patients cancer at Indonesian gets to have more a spark of life so long with be found Plant "TANAMAN TIKUS" (Typhonium Flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) as dill that can discontinue and curing various cancercous and various other heavy disease. Plant a sort taro with tall maximal 25 until 30 cm this just growing at bush that don't strike direct the sun shines. "This plant is prodigious found at Java," say Drs. Patoppoi Pasau, first person that find that plant at Indonesia. This dill was analyzed since year 1995 by Prof Dr Chris K.H.Teo,At p Agric (M ), BSc Agric (Hons) (M ), MS, PhD from Universiti Malaysia Science and also Care Penang's Cancer founder, Malaysia. Cancer care institute that found year 1995 it has helped thousands patients of Malaysias, America, England, Australia, New zealander, Singapore, and a variety state at world.

Actually this cure also supported and being tried by one of senior doctor at Surabaya, on its patient that have kidney cancer. There is two patients that being nursed by doctor that has once officiated as director one of greatest hospital at Surabaya this.
First cancer patient womb no time given by cure with mouse taro, since was handled by doctor friend already have reputation. After trips kemoterapi and radiology, wear hair short that patient moulting, damaged skin and itchy, and always puke. But on second patient with liver cancer, this doctor handles and also give "keladi tikus" pill to help kemoterapi's healing process.

This pill is safe at consumption because just utilize doctor plant only, without chemical material.
If you want that pill, please to give comment on this article

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Aquatic & fitness aerobics is solution.

Possibly the most popular form of this type of workout group is water aerobics. most water exercise has a whole lot of great benefits. Almost all forms of water aerobics will help raise levels of endurance, lower levels of blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and even burn calories.

Aquatic aerobics is reducing stress and toning muscles it also helps a person reduce stress and get into better shape. Water aerobics actually includes powerful choreographed workouts in the water that include gentle stretching and other moves set to music.

One of the really terrific things about controlling this is that the faster the routine, the faster the heart pumps and the faster the benefits are achieved. Swimming is one of the more popular of this kind of exercise. The benefits of aquatic over other forms of aerobics are many:

Low impact. While water & fitness aerobics still serve to get the body moving and the blood flowing, they do so in a way that doesn’t put a lot of wear and tear on the body.

The main reason why lots of health practitioners recommend this kind of exercise to people with diabetics and arthritics and others lots of health practitioners recommend this kind of exercise to people with diabetics and arthritics is that all of the major muscles and joints are buffered. This kind of exercise offers very good resistance. The joints are protected from a high-impact workout, even the water offers some good muscle toning.

This can help with fat-burning and overall body appearance. Endurance increases. Aquatic aerobics, like all forms of this type of exercise, can really help increase endurance levels.

If you combine the resistance provided, along with the moves, can be really fantastic for getting this job done fast. Fat and calorie burning. This is probably the best exercise routines for burning calories and of course in turn promote fat burning.

Especially since the muscles are getting toned during this process, its really difficult to beat one of these workouts. Fun. Lots and lots of it. The atmosphere can be especially enjoyable and relaxing when water aerobics are done in a class setting.

What people everywhere love about water aerobics is that it provides a really effective way for almost anyone to get a great workout that has lasting health benefits. They are really fun and enjoyable and low impact too, this kind of exercise is really good for those with and those without.


Base the a report, there is a declining number of fitness levels in the U.S.
mainly due to proliferation of fast food restaurants in every corner.
it waws increas number of people spending lots of time in front of T.V., and having sedentary jobs.

Fitness exercise is the most important fitness to improve your overall fitness, increase your endurance, and increase your blood circulation.

fitness conditioning is the most basic as well as most effective general fitness exercise regime to increase your general endurance targeting your lungs, heart,it enables you to tolerate any activity for longer periods of time.

Spending about 30 minutes a day of exercise for three to four times a week is a time well spent for your overall general health. exercise for half-an-hour three or four days a week, that is only two hours of your time a week and the benefit is long term.

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When determining the extent and nature of any kind of cancer or other
which in turn, a large part in designing an appropriate course of treatment
oncologists use a rubric or "staging" system. This is only one of the criteria by which malignancies are classified:
1. determined by the location of the tumor
2. determined by the cellular structure.

Staging to help the oncologist in determining how far the cancer has advanced and how to treat the patient's malignancy really is.

* The tumor is confined to one organ or region and is relatively small.
* The tumor has grown in size, and has spread to one other tissue.
* The tumor has spread to adjacent areas.
* The tumor has spread to distant areas of the body, or "metastasized."

In Stage IV, the cancer has spread throughout the body without alternatif terminal.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Cabbage is one of the medicinal vegetables. You can find it with easy. It contains powerful medicinal compounds uses is as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers.

Cabbage actually one of the most advanced natural treatments for ulcers yet engineered by Nature. Read some of the supporting quotes about cabbage and ulcers below...

How cabbage cures stomach ulcers
The duodenal ulcers of patients fed cabbage also healed in one-third the usual time.
Seemingly by strengthening the stomach lining's resistance to acid attacks.

Classic European remedies whose effectiveness has been verified by medical research include raw cabbage and potato and celery juices. Drinking a cup of cabbage juice four times a day can heal stomach ulcers in only ten days. If juicing cabbage does not fit into your busy schedule, you can purchase dehydrated, raw cabbage powder at natural food stores. The magic ingredient in cabbage is sometimes called the antiulcer U factor. Its technical name is glutamine, and this compound is also available in capsules. Glutamine has proved to be a better ulcer cure than antacids.
by Jean Carper.

There are natural antiulcer drugs in cabbage. That cabbage can help heal ulcers was shown by the pioneering experiments of Garnett Cheney, M.D., a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, in the 1950s. He demonstrated that a quart of fresh cabbage juice every day relieved pain and healed both gastric and duodenal ulcers better and faster than standard treatments did. In a test of fifty-five patients who drank cabbage juice, 95 percent felt better within two to five days. by Kathi Keville

We're not sure just how cabbage (raw or juiced) became folk remedy number one for ulcers, but our survey proved its popularity. In fact, no other suggestion for this condition had as many fans. Linda Mae, 44, of East Canton, Ohio, and Austin, of Wichita Falls, Texas, were two such endorsers. "It's good for an ulcer in no time," says Austin. In fact, there seems to be a real history to cabbage as a cure for ulcers. Roman doctors used cabbage to treat ulcers, as well as such diverse conditions as headache, colic and Jean Carper

