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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Cabbage is one of the medicinal vegetables. You can find it with easy. It contains powerful medicinal compounds uses is as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers.

Cabbage actually one of the most advanced natural treatments for ulcers yet engineered by Nature. Read some of the supporting quotes about cabbage and ulcers below...

How cabbage cures stomach ulcers
The duodenal ulcers of patients fed cabbage also healed in one-third the usual time.
Seemingly by strengthening the stomach lining's resistance to acid attacks.

Classic European remedies whose effectiveness has been verified by medical research include raw cabbage and potato and celery juices. Drinking a cup of cabbage juice four times a day can heal stomach ulcers in only ten days. If juicing cabbage does not fit into your busy schedule, you can purchase dehydrated, raw cabbage powder at natural food stores. The magic ingredient in cabbage is sometimes called the antiulcer U factor. Its technical name is glutamine, and this compound is also available in capsules. Glutamine has proved to be a better ulcer cure than antacids.
by Jean Carper.

There are natural antiulcer drugs in cabbage. That cabbage can help heal ulcers was shown by the pioneering experiments of Garnett Cheney, M.D., a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, in the 1950s. He demonstrated that a quart of fresh cabbage juice every day relieved pain and healed both gastric and duodenal ulcers better and faster than standard treatments did. In a test of fifty-five patients who drank cabbage juice, 95 percent felt better within two to five days. by Kathi Keville

We're not sure just how cabbage (raw or juiced) became folk remedy number one for ulcers, but our survey proved its popularity. In fact, no other suggestion for this condition had as many fans. Linda Mae, 44, of East Canton, Ohio, and Austin, of Wichita Falls, Texas, were two such endorsers. "It's good for an ulcer in no time," says Austin. In fact, there seems to be a real history to cabbage as a cure for ulcers. Roman doctors used cabbage to treat ulcers, as well as such diverse conditions as headache, colic and Jean Carper

